Home Loans Culpeper VA

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

VA Mortgage McLean VA | (703) 594-9229 | SLS Mortgage McLean

VA Mortgage McLean VA | (703) 594-9229 | SLS Mortgage McLean VA Mortgage McLean VA - http://slsmortgagemclean.com (703) 594-9229 VA Mortgages are also sometimes referred to as VA guaranteed loans, since they are guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This means that if a borrower defaults on their loan, the Department of Veterans Affairs will repay the lender a portion of the delinquent balance. Advantages of VA Loans: Veterans who are considering buying a home should first consider obtaining a VA mortgage loan instead of a traditional mortgage loan. There are a number of different advantages of these types of loans compared to traditional loans. How to Get a VA Home Loan: Getting a VA loan is very similar to getting any other type of mortgage loan. First, however, potential borrowers should make sure that they are eligible to take advantage of this loan program, and request a certificate of eligibility. If you would like more information on VA mortgage loans, don't hesitate to contact our mortgage professionals. We're happy to help you determine your eligibility and walk you through the process. To see more about the variety of loan programs we offer, visit our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CulpeperHomeLoans SLS Mortgage McLean (703) 594-9229 VA Mortgage McLean VA - http://slsmortgagemclean.com

Monday, July 30, 2012

Reverse Mortgage McLean VA | (703) 594-9229 | SLS Mortgage McLean

Reverse Mortgage McLean VA | (703) 594-9229 | SLS Mortgage McLean Reverse Mortgage McLean VA - http://slsmortgagemclean.com (703) 594-9229 Money can be a hard thing to come by these days, particularly for older individuals with nothing more to rely on than Social Security and retirement benefits. However, many seniors may not realize that they're actually sitting on a huge goldmine: their homes. A reverse mortgage is an excellent options for older individuals that need cash for any number of reasons. These types of loans can be used to pay off debt, take care of medical bills, finish a remodeling project, take a vacation, or even supplement an income - all without those pesky loan repayments! Understanding Reverse Mortgages: Although they may seem somewhat complicated, a reverse mortgage actually operates on a very simple idea. They are basically mortgage loans that enable home owners to convert a good chunk of their equity into cash. Reverse mortgages are so named, because instead of the borrower giving money back to the lender, the lender fives money to the borrower. The borrowers are also not required to make monthly mortgage repayments with these types of loans, as long as they live in the home. Money received from a reverse mortgage is non-taxable, and it should not affect any Social Security or retirement benefits. To learn more about a reverse mortgage in McLean VA and other mortgage loan programs, visit our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/culpeperhomeloans SLS Mortgage McLean (703) 594-9229 Reverse Mortgage McLean VA - http://slsmortgagemclean.com

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mortgage Refinance McLean VA | (703) 594-9229 | SLS Mortgage McLean

Mortgage Refinance McLean VA | (703) 594-9229 | SLS Mortgage McLean Mortgage Refinance McLean VA - http://slsmortgagemclean.com (703) 594-9229 If you're unhappy with your existing mortgage as it is, a mortgage refinance could be your solution. Before refinancing a mortgage, however, be aware that this can either be a smart money move, or it can be a financial disaster. There are a number of reasons why people refinance their mortgages. One of the biggest advantages of mortgage refinancing, for instance, is getting lower monthly mortgage payments. This can be achieved a few different ways. First of all, some borrowers may find that by refinancing their mortgages, they are able to secure lower interest rates, particularly if their credit has improved since they got their original mortgage. Borrowers might also consider a mortgage refinance to switch from a variable interest rate to a fixed interest rate or vice versa. Lengthening the term of the new loan, which can also be achieved by refinancing mortgage, can also help lower your monthly mortgage payments. For example, some borrowers may find that when they refinance their mortgage to a 30 year term, they can save hundreds of dollars each month. Of course, in the long run they will also usually pay more in interest. On the other hand, some borrowers may be looking to shorten the term of their mortgage when they consider a mortgage refinance. Although this type of mortgage refinancing option will usually result in higher monthly payments, borrowers will typically end up paying less in interest, since more of their mortgage payments go toward the principal of the loan. Borrowers who have built up equity in their homes might also want to consider a refinance, since it can give them access to large amounts of cash. For example, if a borrower owes $200,000 on their existing mortgage and their home is appraised at $250,000, they have built up $50,000 in equity. By refinancing their home loan for the value of the home, the borrower can pocket the difference, which in this case would be $50,000. The money received can then be used for such things as putting a child through college, paying off credit card debt, or even remodeling the home. Call SLS Mortgage McLean for the best mortgage refinance loans available today. We will provide guidance and help through the mortgage loan process making it your stress free solution for mortgage refinancing loans in McLean VA. To see our other videos about our available mortgage loans, visit our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CulpeperHomeLoans SLS Mortgage McLean (703) 594-9229 Mortgage Refinance McLean VA - http://slsmortgagemclean.com

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SLS Mortgage - Introduction

SLS Mortgage - Introduction SLS Mortgage - Introduction - http://gplus.to/SLSMortgage "sls mortgage" "sls mortgage culpeper va" "sls mortgage culpeper" "sls mortgage charlottesville va" "sls mortgage charlottesville" "blane stewart" SLS Mortgage of Culpeper 114 N West St #101 Culpeper, VA 22701 (540) 216-0665 http://homeloansculpeperva.com SLS Mortgage Of Charlottesville (434) 260-7773 http://homemortgagecharlottesville.com SLS Mortgage YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CulpeperHomeLoans SLS Mortgage G+ Business Page: https://plus.google.com/109700248356545120293 http://gplus.to/SLSMortgage

Home Purchase Loan - SLS Mortgage

Home Purchase Loan - SLS Mortgage Home Purchase Loan - SLS Mortgage - http://gplus.to/SLSMortgage SLS Mortgage of Culpeper 114 N West St #101 Culpeper, VA 22701 (540) 216-0665 http://homeloansculpeperva.com SLS Mortgage Of Charlottesville (434) 260-7773 http://homemortgagecharlottesville.com SLS Mortgage YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CulpeperHomeLoans SLS Mortgage G+ Business Page: https://plus.google.com/109700248356545120293 http://gplus.to/SLSMortgage

HARP Refinance - SLS Mortgage

HARP Refinance - SLS Mortgage HARP Refinance - SLS Mortgage - http://gplus.to/SLSMortgage SLS Mortgage of Culpeper 114 N West St #101 Culpeper, VA 22701 (540) 216-0665 http://homeloansculpeperva.com SLS Mortgage Of Charlottesville (434) 260-7773 http://homemortgagecharlottesville.com SLS Mortgage YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CulpeperHomeLoans SLS Mortgage G+ Business Page: https://plus.google.com/109700248356545120293 http://gplus.to/SLSMortgage